I have been slacking on updating my blog, but I have a good excuse! I started a back treatment therapy about 3 weeks ago, and I have had to be to appointments 3 times a week, in Salt Lake City,which will continue for another month! So no free time on my hands! As I was laying awake one night at 3 AM, in pain and so frustrated with my back and leg pain, an advertisement came on the TV talking about spinal care and how they can help herniated discs! So I called them as soon as I could the next day! I met with Doctor Hedstrom, who was so proffesional,and he reviewed my before and after MRI's and it showed that the herniated disc surgery I had one year ago had worked, BUT, right above it was another herniated disc, that was there on the first MRI, and was still there on the 2nd MRI! OK what can I say--- my surgeon is an IDIOT! I had 2 herniated discs, he onlt bothered to fix one!So the pain I have felt for the last year in a half was real! But the good news is Dr. Hedstrom, can help me and can repair my herniated disc without surgery! So my Journey to feeling better has begun! On my first visit to see the Dr. I could not stand up straight, I walked and looked like a 90 year old lady! I could not bend over, I could not sleep, I could not turn over in bed without horrible pain! I was a mess! It hurt to sneeze, or cough. I couldn't move basically! So this amazing machine above , has improved my condition sooo much. I am belted up ,like I am going bungie jumping , then hooked to the machine, which is all computerized. I lay on the machine while it works my spine. No pain only relief. It pulls my Spine and slowly adjust it back, an in the process oxygen is absorbed into the herniated disc helping it to re-absorb back into place and take pressure off of my NERVE! It is realy helping me! I am not 100% yet, but the improvement is amazing! I also wear a back brace when at home, and live on ice! I am on High Magnesium, and Fish oils, and will be starting a muscle strenghthening program soon! I am so happy that I heard that advertisement, it has given me hope, that I can feel good and become normal again!