I was so excited to get to spend time with Nicole. She needed to drive to Rexburg Idaho to attend a Graduate Fair, for her work, so I jumped in the white motor pool van, and off we went! We had a great visit and it was fun to see her in action with her job!She spent 10 days in the Northern end of Utah, we loved having her here, but it was so hard on her, to be away from Andy that long! She was so miserable without him , towards the end I was really counting the minutes until she could head South!

A Jazz game with Doug and I, Colby and Laurie, Brie and Breck. This is the only picture that turned out ! Go Jazz!

Freezer meals! Holly and Amber came up with this great plan to make freezer meals for each of us to have all prepared and frozen for a busy day! They planned 18 freezer meals, for 5 families! Holly ( Amazing) did all the shopping! She loaded her van with kids and food and drove to my house! We all went to work cutting ,chopping ,and cooking some very delicious meals! Then we divided the cost and everybody took home a big treasure! I have love it, on a busy day I just go the freezer and its ready to cook! Not to mention they were delicious! We plan on doing this again!

This is just some of the food, holly brought, we had used up alot by the time I remembered to take pictures!

The weather was so nice, the kids were having there own fun, while we made freezer meals, they made a huge bonfire and had a weenie roast! Not to mention fun times raking leaves and a big finale hot-tub party! I was to busy to take all the pictures!

Amber and kids, little worker bees, helping rake leaves! Iwas so thank-ful for the help! Not pictured was Ally pushing the Lawn mower and sucking up leaves!

And of course playing in the leaves!

A little Man! Noah is such a hard worker, he is happier working than playing, lets hope he stays that way!

Four of my Five grandkids with painted faces at Cornbellys! I have loved the warm Fall days!

Brie, Natalee and Noah in Cinderellas Pumpkin carriage!
We all had a good, time with wagon rides, picking out pumpkins,, pig races, cornmazes, games and Yummy food! We have had a Fall full of Fun!