Sunday, May 4, 2008


NICOLE recieved her Master Degree on Friday May 2nd, in Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP) with an emphasis in student affairs. NICOLE is quoted in an article saying " I chose ELP because it is entirely descriptive of my background and intentions in education and I heard the program was ranked 12th in the nation. A colleague of mine was enrolled in the program and that is how I discovered it. The program has been such an engaging learning experience for me. I can apply so much of what I learn in class to work and vice versa. I have especially greatly appreciated the focus on social justice issues." Unquote! NICOLE traveled one day a week from Cedar City to Salt Lake City To the University of Utah, from August through May! And also took online courses. She studied hard, took lots of test ,wrote reasearch papers plus worked her full time job at Southern Utah University, regruiting graduate students! We are so proud of NICOLE and her accomplishments!Andy was a great support to Nicole!

Proud Dad and Mom

Celebration dinner at the Blue Iguana!!

ALLY Choose to be Baptized Sat. May the 3rd. She was ready to become a member of the church! ALLY is a special little girl, and is always caring and concerned about others. Ally trys hard to always Chose The Right! All of her family, her Aunts , uncles, cousins and Grandparents came to support her!

Following these two big events, we had a yummy Bar-B-Que Feast at Holly and Kevins home.


Colby said...

Way to go Nicole and Ally!

The Funderburks said...

Thanks so much mom! Where did you find that quote? That's cool.

The baptism was great especially since I got to lead the music ;). So proud of Ally and thanks to the Yeagers for a fun and delicious meal.

Doran & Jody said...

Two great accomplishments!! Congratulations!

Mama Mia said...

Congrats to Nicole and Ally! You are amazing!

Bethers said...

Two great events for two amazing girls!