A few decorations that give home a festive feeling! Nicole came to visit and helped me decorate this year again, I love her help!

I love Fall Tones, So we chose those colors for the tree this year!

Brie and Colby enjoying a Yummy Yogortland treat, at Town Square in Las Vegas!

Thanksgiving Dinner at Michelle and Gregs in Vegas! Dinner was so delicous, everybody helped out! Dallon wanted to tackle the Turkey Drumstick! This Picture shows how much the younger kids look up to the older ones!

And Aubrey had the same Idea! When Aubrey and Dallon get together it is a fun party, they do alot of laughing! Noah is really observing!

Mylee and the the Grensing cat, they were friends until the cat bite her!

This is the snowman we made at Super Saturday! Sorry this picture is out of Place dont know what happened!

Chillin at the Wyndam Resort in Vegas! Only GiGi can give the kids diet coke for breakfast, and only on vacation!

Nicole and Laurie, and Noah working hard at our Super Saturday! I was in charge of this event, so I recruited my kids for help!

Natalee and Ally, Coloring books for the Humanitarian project, at Super Saturday!
What a fun recap. I love the picture of Mylee with the cat. It didn't help that she was hitting it! We have enjoyed seeing everyone and miss you all! DEC 20!!
How fun Thanksgiving was so nice and relaxing thanks for everything!!! NOW i can't wait for christmas your house looks so cute i love the colors on your tree it looks so good! I love you! Oh and i want a snowman those are so cute!!
I love your tree. It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. Love, Heather
what - you gave the kids dc for breakfast!
Love your tree! I noticed you changed it right away! Love it both ways! At least the DC wasn't a nightcap for the kids...that would have been a fun night!
Love your new background. U r so festive! Thanksgiving was a blast. we loved it. The rooms were so nice at the resort. Thanks so much for all you do! we love you!
Your tree is absolutely gorgeous! I love the gold stars! Your Thanksgiving sounds like it was a fun time!
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