Friday, December 14, 2007

Early Christmas Present!

Do these kids look sweet and innocent? Well Sometimes!! Almost 2 years ago our Grandfather clock, that was an inheritance from Doug's parents, qiut ticking out its friendly chimes. One of my sweet and innocent grandchildren pulled on the pendulum as it was swinging back and forth, and I could not make it work again. I kept telling myself that I need to load the clock in the Expedition, and take it to a clock shop. Just never got that task accomplished. Last week as I was babysitting Noah and Natalee, they were busy pulling on the non-swinging pendulum,unknown to me!! When all of a sudden I hear the clock Chimming, I was so excited!!! Somehow they fixed the clock!! I was so happy ! What a perfect early Christmas Present!! Now I have got to figure out a way to keep the door locked so it won't happen again, the lock is broke!
Any ideas? Thanks Natalee and Noah!


breezy said...

That is a cute story and a cute picture of the kids... it makes me miss them even more... I am so happy they fixed it for you atleast they fixed what the broke right... what god little kids... and cute ones that is!

Mama Mia said...

Got to love the Grandkids! Glad it is working! Sorry I am no help on the lock situation....I will keep thinking...

Colby said...


Parry's said...

Glad they can help out...They love you gigi and so do I you are the best ever!

Bethers said...

This exact thing happened to me with mine! Lately, we just leave it silent but I need to start it up again because those chimes do become a warm background noise.

The Funderburks said...

Andy's parents gave him a small grandfather clock for Christmas a few years ago. His mother has told me she was thinking about his future wife when she gave it to him. I love it and the sound reminds me of Grandma Bingham's house and mom's. We better get ours locked up before we have kids. Mom, I'm sure Andy can rig up some sort of lock for you. Natalee and Noah, you darling little mischiefs.

Carly said...

I am pretty sure that I did the exact same thing to my mom's grandfather clock. Those pendulums are just too tempting.