Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Four weeks ago Doug and I met with our Stake President for an interview. We had just inspected 4 homes in Salt Lake City, and made a mad dash to be in his office at 7:30, we arrived 7 minutes late, and apologized, saying our life is crazy! He said, "well I am about to make it crazier"!
Doug is now the new Bishop of the Randolph 1st ward, and for sure his life is going to be crazy! When he spoke to the ward on Sunday he gave this analogy of his life....He said, "I am like a tough piece of beef steak, that needed, pounding, tenderizing, seasoning,searing, and lots and lots of patient steaming to make me tender." I have been a wittness to most of this tenderizing! He definately has a tender heart when it comes to His Savior Jesus Christ. I know he will do a great job!


The Funderburks said...

We are so proud of dad and so happy we got to be there for the special day. He will do an incredible job as bishop. Just remember dad, if you ask us to speak in church with you, you have to remember our names!

Ronda said...

When I heard I was so excited! Doug is such a great guy and he is going to be so great!! What a neat thing! And Glenda, you are amazing as well! Good luck!

Bethers said...

I am so proud of Doug and I know our parents are also. You make a great team...thanks for always standing behind him during the tenderizing process. We love you both

Parry's said...

Sunday was such a great day. So siritual! I loved how Noah waved to dad or BiSHOP on the pulpit the whole meeting. We love you dad-papa!

Sherydon said...

Oh, Im so excited!! I just think the world of your family!! You guys are so special. Kayleen told me last night, i had no idea!! Good luck Doug, I know you'll do great!! Nick and I are excited to have a new bishop!! Good luck to you as well Glenda!! Bishop Peart always told me that behind a strong preisthood holder is his wife nudging him along!! Your great!!

Mama Mia said...

I love that analogy! Are you ready to be the BW (Bishop's wife)? You both will be so blessed!

Michelle said...

We are so very proud of you also!! It will be a change and crazy but our Father wouldn't put in that place if He was not confident that you will serve Him well. We love you

Doran & Jody said...

Congratulations and good luck to both of you!!

Brooke said...

Congratulations Doug! I think he is going to be fun bishop for all the ward members!